Nina Sosanya


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Actress - filmography

  1. "Teachers 2" (2002) TV series ... Jenny
  2. "Jury, The" (2001) (mini) TV Series .... Marcia Thomas
  3. "Teachers" (2001) TV Series .... Jenny
  4. Hercules and the Amazon Women (1994) (TV) .... Chilla
  5. "Prime Suspect 2" (1992) (mini) TV Series .... Joanne Fagunwa


Notable TV guest appearances

  1. "People Like Us" (1999) playing "Cassie Pearson" in episode: "Actor, The" (episode # 2.4) 6/10/2001
  2. "People Like Us" (1999) in episode: "Mother, The" (episode # 2.2) 5/27/2001
  3. "Doctors" (2000) playing "Jasmine" in episode: "Late Action Hero" 4/27/2000
  4. "Jonathan Creek" (1997) playing "Karen Blaine" in episode: "Three Gamblers, The" (episode # 3.6) 1/2/2000




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This site was last updated 08/11/02